Sunday, November 28

Again in Fairmont Magazine

Snazzy cover.

I can't believe they did a two page spread with no cropping and no text on top of my image. Respect.

The rest of the article. It was about the Flash Forward Festival the images here include the very talented Erika Larson and Geoffrey Pugen.

Saturday, November 20

Displacement Towering over Liberty Village

Part of the now past Flash Forward Festival. Can't wait for next year!

Photos by Ryan Enn Hughes

Monday, November 1

Arbor Avenue ~ Behind the Scenes

Randomly dug these old shots from my Arbor Avenue shoot up off my backup disk. They were taken by my little sister so they aren't the best (sorry Hilary). None of them even show off my Elinchom/Hasselblad/Macbook setup, so you'll have to take my word that the technology present balanced out the dirtbag look I have in the second shot.

Sunday, October 24

I had this piece in the 2010 Casey House Benefit Auction: Art With Heart and it sold for $4000 raising funds for the hospice. A big thank-you to all the collectors who came out and supported this great event!

Friday, October 8

Flash Forward 2010 has just been released. I was lucky enough to get my own two pages alongside the likes of Kotama Bouabane, Alex Kisilevich, Jinyoung Kim, Rob Palmer and many more amazing photographers.

Accompanying the release of the book is the Flash Forward Festival which includes great exhibits, lectures, workshops and parties of course. Check it out before it ends on the 10th!

Tuesday, September 14

Between Sets (An Homage)

This shot of the set during construction in my barn studio at my parents place. While shooting it I thought it would be a homage to Vanessa Maltese but one I saw the neg I realized it was more reminiscent of one of Fox Talbot's images. Now I realize might be a ripoff of Scott McFarland's Boathouse series.

Monday, September 13

'souvenirs' - architecture in helsinki

Friday, August 6

A Minor

I know this looks like high-school photography but bear with me I might make it into something interesting. Or I might not. At any rate, you can see how much hair I had in Grade 12.

Tuesday, July 13

Wednesday, July 7

This is the first time I've done any film work since highschool. It is part of a proposal package for a gallery installation. The wall is an idea that came out of my thesis work.

Friday, June 25

Building sets is a hell of a lot of work... but I like it! Note: if you look closely I actually got my hair cut between these two shots.

P.S. I also made a new years style resolution to update my blog at least once every couple of weeks.

Tuesday, April 13

I made these for a class I had with Nick Pye. In the critique I said I made them purely as a technical experiment. He wasn't impressed.

Wednesday, April 7

Rare Documentation

Here's a couple shots from behind the scenes of Domestic Wilderness. Yeah yeah... I took them with my iPhone.

I just picked out frames for this work today. Hoping to have 3 large ones ready for the OCAD grad show on the 30th. Fingers tightly crossed. There is a bunch of new shots so I'll have to update my website soon. Work work work!

Sunday, March 28

A couple new shots for Domestic Wilderness. I'm really liking the second one.

These scans turned out terrible though, will have to redo. (The lesson here: even imacon scanners go on the fritz.) Sorry.

Monday, March 8

Sunday, March 7

Just got back from the Artist Project Toronto art fair. I won a booth as a part of their emerging artist contest. I wasn't very impressed with the caliber of work in the show. A lot of people were interested in my work though, which was very exciting since it's sort of a new direction for me. 
transfer, 2009, c-print, 48" x 71"

Transfer was the only piece hung in my booth. It garnered a corporate purchase award!

 queen, 2009, c-print, 21" x 35"

Queen was entered into the Artist Project's "Queen Competition". It was up against a lot of other works and got first place! I was pretty excited!

Ultimately it was a great experience. Its always awesome to see and talk to people who genuinely enjoy your work. I'll definitely apply again next year.

My Booth.


Queen Competition