Sunday, November 28

Again in Fairmont Magazine

Snazzy cover.

I can't believe they did a two page spread with no cropping and no text on top of my image. Respect.

The rest of the article. It was about the Flash Forward Festival the images here include the very talented Erika Larson and Geoffrey Pugen.

Saturday, November 20

Displacement Towering over Liberty Village

Part of the now past Flash Forward Festival. Can't wait for next year!

Photos by Ryan Enn Hughes

Monday, November 1

Arbor Avenue ~ Behind the Scenes

Randomly dug these old shots from my Arbor Avenue shoot up off my backup disk. They were taken by my little sister so they aren't the best (sorry Hilary). None of them even show off my Elinchom/Hasselblad/Macbook setup, so you'll have to take my word that the technology present balanced out the dirtbag look I have in the second shot.